Can You Take Tylenol With Oxycodone?

Can You Take Tylenol With Oxycodone

We have an increasing demand for Oxycodone, which is an opioid, that is used for pain management of acute or chronic, types. Oxycodone is recommended to be taken with acetaminophen(also known as Tylenol) for result enhancement. Here comes the concern about whether we should take Tylenol with oxycodone.

Your question, Can You Take Tylenol With Oxycodone? is answered here with tips, explanations, and side effects. We all are sufficiently aware that the more we use a drug, the higher the chances of side effects. Still, we require dependence on medicines for our many acute and chronic problems. Doses of Oxycodone alone have not resulted in any kind of liver failure or injury so far. Although the combination of Oxycodone and Tylenol is generally recommended to cure moderate to severe pain. At the same time, it is on the “high-alert-medicine” list which simply means you should take extra care while taking your doses.

Of course, you can take it but overdose, abuse, or overuse of Tylenol With Oxycodone can cause hepatotoxicity. According to medical experts, hepatotoxicity is chemical-driven acute or chronic damage to the liver. So, to understand the general dos, don’ts, ifs, and buts regarding oxycodone and Tylenol dose, read further.

Tips To Remember While Taking Tylenol With Oxycodone:

As humans, we have a tendency to forget the rules even the general ones but it is better to remember the Do’s and Dont’s when it comes to our health. Because the saying “prevention is better than cure” is there for some reason.

Things To Do While Taking Tylenol With Oxycodone:

  • Always take your dose as prescribed, always.
  • Completely avoid taking nonprescription medicines for colds and general flu.
  • Do not consume alcohol at all while on these medicines.

What Not To Do While Taking Tylenol With Oxycodone:

  • You must not eat grapefruit and drink its juice, due to its acidic properties which may increase the chance of side effects.
  • As the dose taken by the mother enters breast milk, it can cause serious implications for the child’s health.
  • Don’t take Tylenol apart from your combined dose as it will increase the overall dose amount.
  • Any nonprescription & prescription medicines consisting of acetaminophen (Tylenol), any kind of Sedatives, and strong or high-dose pain medicines must be avoided.

What Are The Side Effects?

Undoubtedly there is no drug that has zero side effects irrespective of the fact that how clinically tested it is. Similarly, the use of this combination of two doses is also prone to make patients uncomfortable. Depending upon the age, health, medical history, and severity the side effects vary. The most common symptoms seen in many patients are dizziness, indigestion, heartburn, and feeling fatigue al the time. Apart from these, physical dependence on drugs and respiratory depression is very likely to occur during the course of these drugs.

During pregnancy:

We know everything the mother takes is biologically transferred to the mother’s gland for nutritional purposes. While on these drugs, the chemical responsible for calmness and pain relief can also be transferred to the child resulting in an imbalance in the baby’s cognitive behavior and development as well. Hence, leading to serious implications for the rest of his life.


Many liver-related issues are likely to occur other than the pain in the abdomen on the upper body part. Overdose or abuse of Tylenol sometimes results in liver issues including complete liver failure.


Improper intake of water and dehydration caused by overdose can turn into a constipation problem. Moreover, starting signs of liver damage also include constipation.


Oxycodone is an opioid medicine that stimulates the ecstatic feeling in patients to relieve pain but taking this pill can result in addiction due to its ecstatic effect.

Imbalance blood pressure:

As mentioned earlier in the article opioid drugs can cause serious respiratory depression. Due to this, the symptoms of low blood pressure can be seen after taking a high dose.


The persistent problem of sleeplessness can occur due to continuous use of doses because of the chemical imbalance. Also, the physical dependency on these drugs makes the body restless without taking the dose creating a state of insomnia.

When To Seek Help If You Are Taking Tylenol With Oxycodone?

  • If you feel that your pain is not relieved even after taking your dose.
  • If you need to take some other drug while taking your prescribed Tylenol and oxycodone dose.
  • If you can’t tolerate pain.
  • Feeling dizzy and nauseous becomes routine, immediately contact medical experts for help.

Bottom Line:

Oxycodone is used to relieve pain and Tylenol reduces fever in patients. This combination of Oxycodone and Tylenol forms a strong dose to cure moderate to severe pain and is prescribed by medical practitioners for better results. So, it is generally safe until and unless not taken under the right prescription by medical experts.

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