Modalert vs Modafinil: Comparing Uses, Differences and Side Effects

Modalert vs Modafinil

Some people find it really difficult to remain alert or be wakeful. Feeling sleepy during this time could be stressful because it can cause several complications. For example, individuals who feel sleepy often suffer from minor headaches and fatigue. Symptoms of sleepiness can vary from individual to individual.

Sleeping disorders are also a sign of ADHD. Is there any medicine to overcome such sleepiness disorders? Yes! There are two effective medicines that treat the symptoms of unnecessary sleepiness. These medicines are Modalert and Modafinil. Healthcare professionals often recommend them to their patients. In this blog, we will learn about Modalert vs Modafinil and see how they are different from each other.

A Brief Overview of Modafinil and Modalert:


Modafinil promotes wakefulness among individuals. It can treat narcolepsy (excessive sleepiness) and sleep apnea. It is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medicine that acts as a Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulant drug to manage excessive sleepiness and other disorders. The brand name of Modafinil is Provigil.

Oral tablets of Modafinil are available in 100 mg and 200 mg. It is generally administered by healthcare professionals when treating their patients. This medicine lacks potent euphoric effects and is not a traditional psychostimulant. In many countries, Modafinil is popular as a safe medicine.


A generic variant of Modafinil is Modalert. Modafinil is branded as Modalert in the form of its 200 mg tablet. Hence, it is also a medicine that is used to treat sleep apnea and narcolepsy. Modalert has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of these disorders. Doctors can prescribe this medicine to their patients and increase its dosage. Modalert increases the levels of dopamine.

The active ingredient of Modalert is Modafinil. Generally, this medicine is given by doctors to their patients orally. The concentration of this medicine in the patient’s blood must be consistent for effective results. Therefore, Modalert is taken at a fixed time. Modalert could be potent if not used as suggested. Healthcare experts decide how to give it after examining their patients’ health status.

Uses of Modafinil and Modalert:

In this section, we will cover the uses of Modalert and Modafinil.


  • Sleep Apnea:

Individuals suffering from sleep apnea may feel that they are not breathing for some minutes. This can get serious as time passes by. Doctors use Modafinil to treat the symptoms of sleep apnea in patients.

  • Narcolepsy:

Narcolepsy is a disorder in which individuals suffer from excessive daytime sleep and wakefulness at night. Modafinil, when taken under a doctor’s prescription, can help them manage narcolepsy symptoms effectively.

  • Shift Work Disorder:

Modafinil can be effective for the treatment of shift work disorder. In this disorder, the internal body clock of a human is unable to synchronize. Healthcare experts often recommend Modafinil to individuals suffering from shift work disorder.


  • Narcolepsy:

Narcolepsy is treated with the help of Modalert. Dosages of this medicine are given at fixed intervals so that symptoms of narcolepsy are managed effectively. An overdose of Modalert can be very harmful.

  • Sleep Apnea:

Under the supervision of a doctor, Modalert can be used to reduce and effectively manage the symptoms of sleep apnea. Individuals must not take this medicine without a doctor’s prescription since it could worsen their health condition.

  • Shift Work Disorder:

Modalert can be used in the treatment of patients suffering from shift work disorder. At fixed intervals, the doses of this medicine are administered by doctors to their patients.

Difference Between Modafinil and Modalert:

Now, we will find out the difference between Modalert and Modafinil. These differences include both minor and major gaps.

  • Legality:

In terms of legality, there is some difference between these two drugs. Modalert is illegal in the USA if you posses or use it without any healthcare expert’s prescription. This drug comes under the Schedule IV drug standard. On the other hand, a legal status has already been given to Modafinil in the USA and many other parts of the world.

  • Brand:

Modalert is available as a branded variant of Modafinil. This variant is more potent than other brands of Modafinil. Hence, healthcare professionals may prescribe it to their patients if they want to provide a more effective treatment to their patients. Modafinil itself is not as potent as Modalert.

  • Affordability:

Modafinil and some of its brands are available at a higher price than that of Modalert. Some individuals may prefer Modalert over Modafinil if they are looking for an affordable option. The price of both Modafinil and Modalert varies in countries where they are available.

  • Inactive Ingredients:

Inactive ingredients are added to an active ingredient during the process of manufacturing these medicines. The inactive ingredients of Modafinil and Modalert may vary. Because of this reason, their taste, texture, and smell could vary.

Dosages Difference Between Modalert vs Modafinil:

A 200 mg tablet of Modalert per day is generally prescribed by doctors to their patients suffering from Narcolepsy. It is given in the morning for the best results. The purpose of using this medicine in the treatment of sleep apnea in patients is to promote wakefulness. It is not directly used to treat the underlying obstruction of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

When providing the treatment of shift work disorder, a Modalert tablet is generally given by doctors to their patients in the morning. They may choose to reduce or increase the number of dosages after a close examination of the health of their patients. The amount and time of these dosages may vary by a doctor.

The optimal dosage of 200 mg Modalert tablet is provided by doctors to their patients who have narcolepsy, shift work disorder, or sleep apnea. For the treatment of OSA, this medicine is administered to patients in the morning. Those working night shifts may be recommended to take this medicine one hour before their work starts.

Symptoms of Modalert and Modafinil:

There are many symptoms that can occur in patients after the dosage of Modalert and Modafinil. Some of these symptoms are rare, while others are common. Let us learn about them.


  • Skin rash
  • Hives
  • Blisters
  • Peeling
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Jaundice
  • Dark urine
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Pain in chest
  • Uneven heart beats
  • Hallucinations
  • Being more talkative than usual
  • Aggression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Stuffy nose
  • Back pain
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling nervous
  • Insomnia


  • Anxiety
  • Shortness of breath
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Runny nose
  • Back pain
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Aggression
  • Chest pain
  • Dark urine
  • Blisters
  • Hives


The two popular drugs that can be used during the treatment of narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work disorder are Modafinil and Modalert. Some differences and similarities exist between these two medicines. Doctors generally prescribe them when offering treatment to their patients. Both medicines are prescriptional.

If individuals using these medicines are having side effects, they should report them to their healthcare professionals. Modalert is more potent than some other brands of Modafinil. However, it is also more affordable. The decision of which medicine to use for which health condition must ultimately be made by healthcare professionals as they go through complete health examinations of their patients.

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