Generic Restoril 15 mg


If you are under stress and you just want to do work, your sleep habits. This medicine is used to treat a certain sleep problem. Restoril medicines are capsule-shaped and color maroon/pink.

 Identification – Restoril 15 mg for sleep 

strength – 15mg

color – Temazepam  

Shape – Capsule shaped

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Pink / Maroon Restoril 15 mg capsule is used for sleeping problems, it may help you to get longer sleep or give you completely sleepy nights. It is recommended for adults who have problems or difficulty in sleep or insomnia. This pill belongs to a group of medications called benzodiazepines, which can be used for anxiety and brain-related health problems. It works in the brain and slows down all functions, which helps to better sleep or stay asleep and promotes relaxation. Restoril’s generic name is Temazepam, which works in the brain and helps to impact chemicals that may be unstable in people’s brains with sleep problems or insomnia. It is recommended for adults who have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, as well as those who wake up frequently during the night.

Mechanism of Action and Effectiveness Of Restoril 15 mg

Restoril belongs to a group of drugs called benzodiazepine medications that are used to treat various mental health conditions, such as sleeping problems and insomnia. Here is its mechanism of action and effectiveness:

Mechanism of Action

Restoril works by enhancing the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain, it helps to promote relaxation in the brain and helps to regulate a better sleep. Therefore, Restoril acts to increase the activity of GABA, which leads to a decrease in the speed of neurons’ activities in the brain and contributes to the feeling of being relaxed and sleepy.


This medication helps to improve sleep quality by increasing the amount of time spent on the deepest sleepy nights and decreasing the number of awakenings during the night. Increasing total sleep time acts to increase the total time spent on sleeping, so this will be beneficial for an individual who struggles with insomnia. Improves daytime functioning including reduced fatigue and improved cognitive function.

How to Use Restoril 15 mg & What will be the Dosage?

Restoril is used for short-term treatment, an individual can take this medication if they are suffering from insomnia. This pill helps a lot in getting out of mental health problems. Your doctor may prescribe your dosage according to your health condition, including age, gender, symptoms, and some other factors. You can take this medication by mouth with or without food and also you can take it just before you go to bed and around the same time for better work. The usual dosage for adults is 15 mg before retiring, 7.5 mg may be sufficient for some patients and the remaining may take 30 mg.

Don’t share your dosage with anyone, if your doses are different from others, do not change them unless your doctor advises you to do it. Don’t take an overdose without the advice of your doctor or pharmacist and don’t take it for a long time. Follow your doctor’s advice to improve your health conditions. Read the guidelines carefully before taking Restoril and consult with a doctor before using it.

Side Effects of 15 mg Restoril capsule

The side effects of 15 mg Restoril is anxiety, memory problems, agitation, hostility, Confusion, hallucinations, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or self-harming. Some of these side effects may occur, if you are feeling uncomfortable or low you can talk with your doctor or pharmacist for better relief. All medications have their different side effects, so restoril has some of these. An overdose and suddenly stopping the pills can cause these side effects. Don’t stop Temazepam without informing the doctor, firstly advise the doctor about your health condition, and don’t take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it’s harmful to the child.

It includes some serious side effects

If you have serious side effects after taking restoril, immediately contact your doctor or pharmacist for your health condition. Serious side effects include drowsiness, memory problems, slurred speech, and loss of consciousness. It includes performing activities during sleep such as walking, driving, and not remembering the memories the next day.
It may cause severe allergic reactions such as rashes, swelling of the face or throat, and sometimes breathing problems.


All medicines have risks & side effects, temazepam has a risk of addiction to daily medicine which can cause death. Use or take Restoril under the guidance of a doctor, it is not for those under 18 years and it may not be suitable for everyone. Taking medicine with alcohol can cause drowsiness and breathing problems. To prevent risk, your doctor prescribes the smallest dose of temazepam to you that can be worked. You should know the side effects and warnings before taking any medication. Suddenly stopping the medication may cause side effects, or overdose may also cause problems including physical and mental health. Read guidelines or warnings carefully before taking any medication, it will be beneficial for health conditions, and always advise your doctor first before taking any medication. Without informing or without the advice of the doctor or pharmacist taking any medication may be dangerous or harmful to the health.