Paxil Side Effects In Females: Detailed Explanation

Paxil Side Effects In Females

With the new development of medical science, the brand name drug Paxil also known by the name paroxetine hydrochloride is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. This prescription is used for the treatment of moderate-severe vasomotor symptoms. Prescribed medication was approved in 1992 in the immediate-release and extended-release forms in the market.

When we talk about the Paxil tablet, it has reported some side effects in females due to taking unprescribed pills. It is important to understand which capsules you are taking. While using any medications, these drugs have many side effects that can lead to serious health risks.

Keep continuing reading below the following instructions, on the most important topic of Paxil side effects in females and guidelines to avoid these side effects. In this article, we are going to brief you on all your answers to the questions.

What are Paxil pills and why are they prescribed?

According to the healthcare study, the prescribed Paxil tablets are used to treat severe diseases and a wide variety of disorders which include depression, confusion, agitation, and such. Mostly paxil side effects in females when it is overdosed or interacted with another drug include confusion, depression, or death. Due to its calming effects, this pill is generally prescribed for anxious people or those who are suffering from mental health disorders.

It has been experienced by the patient that these pills affect the neurotransmitters that the brain uses to transform the message with each other. This medication prevents the brain nerve cells. Always discuss with your healthcare provider while you are taking this drug. When you are taking this pill it is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol as it may cause harmful risks.

Uses of Paxil pills:

  • If you have symptoms of fibromyalgia, this pill helps you to prevent these symptoms.
  • To resolve the dysphoric disorder.
  • These drugs reduce the chance of these signs of menopause including hot flashes,
  • Help to get out from night sweats, and flushes.
  • If you are facing obsessive disorder or feel anxiety, take this pill with a prescription.

Side effects of Paxil pills:

After being studied, along with the positive side of paxil pills there are other adverse effects of using this may cause unwanted disorders. There are some side effects that can be experienced by the patient.

Common side effects of Paxil pills:

  • Nausea
  • Drowsiness
  • Insomnia
  • Dry mouth
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Tremor
  • Blurred vision
  • Nervousness

The right way to take Paxil orally:

Before you are going to start your first oral tablet read the medication instructions properly. The prescribed dosage has pros and cons both effects so it is a must to understand how to use this drug. If you notice any questions you can take advice from your doctor.

  • The dosage must be based on your age and the medical condition you are taking.
  • You can take this medicine with food as it reduces the nausea.
  • Do not increase or stop this medication without asking your doctor.
  • Take this oral tablet regularly as prescribed by the doctor.
  • If you don’t understand the instructions, ask your doctor to re-explain.
  • If you feel sleepy or have any kind of symptoms, you may consult with your pharmacist to reduce the dose of the prescription.

Overdose of Paxil Oral Effects:

In the past history with the help of medical science, some new developments have spread over the country. The Paxil drug is widely used to prevent mental health disorders. The big concern is that most people are facing overdose and it is a very tough time for them.

Too much taking these drugs can cause overdose and create worse medical conditions. This is important to take the prescribed dosage as directed by your doctor. However, the Paxil and alcohol drug interaction causes many serious medical conditions.

Some syndromes of overdose:

  • Diarrhea
  • Confusion
  • Fever
  • Seizures
  • Muscle tension
  • Shivering
  • Vomiting
  • Tremor
  • Dilated pupils

Take immediate medical help and supportive treatment if you are facing these symptoms. do not take any drugs without consulting with your doctor.

Warnings while using Paxil oral:

The prescripted oral tablet Paxil is an antidepressant medication used for chronic disease treatment including confusion, depression, and mood swings. To recover from worse conditions it is important to talk with your doctor about the benefits of this medication. Access use of these pills can increase the risk of changes in lifestyle or behavior. however, it is an addictive pill that may cause withdrawal symptoms.

Some withdrawal symptoms of using the Paxil pill:

  • Worsening of depression
  • Seizures
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Serotonin syndrome
  • Bleeding problems
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Vasculitis
  • Priapism
  • Angle-closure glaucoma
  • Extrapyramidal symptoms

Precaution from Pixel Oral Addiction:

Before beginning a discussion on the prevention of addiction, it is important to understand the reason behind it. Precaution must prevent people from becoming addicted to any drugs or alcohol. If someone has first time using these drugs, it may be dangerous for them. For those who accidentally swallowed the drug without a prescription, they can seek immediate medical help.

There are ways of precautions against addiction:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol while using this medication.
  • Discuss all your medical history with your doctor.
  • If you are allergic, do not use this medicine without a doctor’s advice.
  • If you are facing other symptoms, immediately seek medical help.
  • Do not share these drugs with others, keep them away from children.
  • Do not take this medicine with other opioids.
  • Take a scheduled prescribed dose as directed by your doctor.

A Brief Discussion On Paxil Side Effects in Females:

The oral tablet Paxil can have better results in comparison to other medicines but these medicines have both positive side effects and negative side effects. Sometimes use of these
opioids becomes a main concern and challenge because of their adverse effects that can result in worse health.

Taking this drug regularly or stopping suddenly can cause many withdrawal symptoms including agitation, dizziness, appetite loss, nausea, and such. Usually, paxil side effects in females can cause dangerous risks.

Common side effects of Paxil pills:

  • Acetylcholinergic effects
  • Serotonergic effects
  • Dopaminergic effects
  • Histaminergic effects
  • Glutaminergic effects
  • Paradoxical effects

Some common blue Paxil oral side effects in females:

  • Discontinuation symptoms such as anxiety, dizziness, and trouble sleeping occur when you take unprescribed medication.
  • Serotonin signs because of taking long-term drugs include fever, confusion, and fast heart rate.
  • Increased risk of suicidal thoughts and changes in behavior.
  • Symptoms of an allergic reaction include skin rash, hives, and difficulty breathing.
  • Continuously bone pain and body swelling.
  • Not feeling hungry

Interactions Paxil Oral with other drugs:

A popular antidepressant oral paxil drug can be harmful if taken in more. It is an addictive drug that may help with psychological effects including pain relief, decreased depression, confusion, and such. When two drugs interact it has many severe side effects and dangerous risks including dizziness, laziness, slow breathing, and so on.

Drugs that may interact with Paxil pills:

  • Abilify
  • Advair
  • Aspire
  • Aspirin
  • Crestor
  • Eliquis
  • Fish oil
  • Lipitor
  • Lyrica
  • Aspire 81
  • Nexium


Paxil pills are used to treat unwanted diseases and relieve pain. Taking these drugs without your doctor’s prescription can lead to worse medical conditions and many health issues. We hope you got all the answers. For more information kindly contact your healthcare, they may decrease the dose to avoid severe symptoms.

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