Flualprazolam vs Alprazolam for Anxiety and Painc Disorder

Flualprazolam vs Alprazolam

Physical health problems are very common among individuals, although mental health is quite important to live a healthy life. Stress may affect your body as well as not be good for the health of the brain. Behavioral or brain-related problems may lead to serious mental disorders. In the market, there are certain medications that are available, however, today we have brought the details of two medicines. Flualprazolam and Alprazolam. In this blog, you will learn about mental disorders and the comparison between these two drugs Flualprazolam vs Alprazolam on the basis of different grounds. Let’s get started with an introduction of both drugs.

What is Flualprazolam?

This medicine is mainly used to overcome health problems like anxiety, panic, and sleeping disorders. Flualprazolam is also selling as a counterfeit Xanax drug in the US. This drug has an analogous structure that resembles Alprazolam. It has the same therapeutic properties which can help to reduce anxiety as well as act as a CNS depressant.

It is a long-acting medicine and regarding its effect on humans, there is no evidence of studies. The World Health Organization has suggested this medicine, internationally as a controlled substance of Schedule IV.

What is Alprazolam?

Panic and anxiety disorder is treated with the help of this generic medication. It worked as a component (active) in many branded drugs like Xanax, Xanax XR, etc. Alprazolam medicinal class is benzodiazepine which reduces neuronal activity in the brain. It is FDA-approved medicine as well as a controlled substance of Schedule IV.

How Do Flualprazolam and Alprazolam Work?

Flualprazolam and Aplrazolam are psychoactive drugs that are categorized as Benzodiazepines. These are GABA-A receptor modulators that increase the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid. These benzodiazepines bind with GABA-A receptors in the brain. This binding reduces aberrant excitement and this is how it produces a calming effect on the nervous system.

Similarities Between Flualprazolam vs Alprazolam

  • Both have the same drug class, benzodiazepine.
  • These medicines help in minimizing anxiety and panic disorder.
  • Both medicines have hypnotic and sedative properties.
  • Both are psychoactive drugs.
  • There is a high risk of these medicines being abused by youngsters.

Differences Between Alprazolam vs Flualprazolam

The differences between these two anti-anxiety drugs are categorized on the basis of the following criteria:-

1) Uses of Both Drugs

Flualprazolam has not received approval from the FDA for medical use. However, it is used as a counterfeit Xanax medication.

Unapproved Uses of Flualprazolam

  • Anxiety Disorder:- It is a disorder in which a patient becomes anxious and worries about their daily life activities. They respond with fear to particular situations.
  • Insomnia:- It is a sleeping disorder in which it becomes very difficult to stay asleep.
  • Panic Disorder:- It is related to behavioral and mental problems in which there is an extreme feeling of fear that causes some physical reactions.

Approved Uses of Alprazolam

  • Panic Disorder

The medicine helps to reduce excitement in the brain. There are episodes of extreme fear that rerun unusually. Sometimes, it is related to anxiety or without it (agoraphobia).

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

It is uncontrollable and irrational worry and anxiety about daily life activities which impede a person’s life. This medicine helps in relieving the anxiety.

Non-approved Use

There are some uses of this drug that are not FDA-approved. It is used as off-label in treating the following problems:-

  • Premenstrual Syndrome

It is a problem that mostly affects women and they may experience symptoms like mood swings, irritability, etc. Women may experience it before their periods. This medicine helps to get rid of the PMS.

  • Depression

When a person loses his or her interest in their daily life. It is an adverse mental disorder which affects the person’s life.

  • Sleeping Disorder

It is insomnia in which a patient is not able to make them fall asleep.

2) Active Component

Alprazolam – It is a generic form and is used in many branded drugs, Xanax, Xanax XR, etc.

Flualprazolam – NA

3) Dose & Dosage Strength: Flualprazolam vs Alprazolam

Alprazolam Forms: Orally Integrating Tablet as follows-

  • 0.25 mg
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg
  • 2 mg

Extended-Release Tablet

  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg
  • 2 mg
  • 3 mg


  • 0.5 mg/5 mL
  • 1 mg/10 mL


Doctors prescribe this medicine after examining the patient’s medical condition, age. Physicians may increase or decrease the dosage strength depending on the health conditions. The dose starts with a nominal dose for every disorder.


Through online mode, it can be purchased as a research chemical and it comes in the form of a pill. It is also available under the brand name Xanax which is available in the forms –

Side Effects of Both Drugs ( Flualprazolam vs Alprazolam)

Flualprzolam Side effects

  • Severe breathing problem
  • Passing out or unconsciousness
  • Hypoventilation may result in coma or even death
  • Physical impairment

Side Effects of Alprazolam

  • Hallucination
  • The eyes and skin turn yellow
  • Vision problem
  • Seizures
  • Shallow breathing
  • Lightheadedness or passing out
  • Drowsiness
  • Extremely aroused

Precautions of Alprazolam and Flualprazolam

  • The use of alcohol is not suggested while taking these medicines.
  • Before taking the medicine make sure you have shared your medical history with a healthcare professional.
  • If you are allergic or hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines then you should stop taking medicine.
  • These both are psychoactive medicines. To prevent their fatal health consequences, you should never take any medicine without seeking medical consultation.


I hope after reading this blog, you get familiar with Flualprazolam and Alprazolam medications. Extreme worrying about a life-related situation and responding with fear is the sign of anxiety and panic disorder.

These mental disorders can be treated with the help of these drugs. Every detail of medicines is explained in detail as well as their consequences. One thing that should be considered before taking these drugs is to consult a General Practitioner.

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